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#8: Time to Start

Updated: Apr 4, 2022

Nov. 7, 2021

I had finally done it. The day had come where I obtained an interview with a UX professional and it went very well. A few days ago, I had an interview with Ms. Kristen Kirk, a senior at the University of North Texas, or UNT, who is majoring in Communication Design with an emphasis on UX Design. The interview with Ms. Kristen was incredibly helpful and I learned a lot about the importance of ISM, the User-Experience Program within UNT that she is in, and what elements of UX Design are important. I came out of the interview feeling well-knowledgeable and happy to see someone thrive in the profession that I aspire to pursue. However, there was one primary question that I had on my mind after the interview:

“What happens now?”

I had succeeded in obtaining an interview with a professional, however, now that I have gained more knowledge and experience from the event, I was not entirely sure what to do with it. Surely, the best way for me to utilize the knowledge I learned was through putting it forth my Original Work. However, my plan for my Original Work is a quite different type of UX than what I learned from that day’s interview. Because of this, I began to think about how I would apply the lessons I learned into the project I am doing. How different would iteration be when creating the basis of a videogame to creating a website? Because I do not know enough code to program a videogame how would I document the steps needed for the creation process?

After much thought, I have decided to set a timeline which includes smaller deadlines that I am setting for myself in regards to the creation of the game. By November 30th, for example, I am to have at least 5 characters fully designed, voiced over, and digitally drafted. And by December 15th, I am going to have a script of the game’s storyline which includes listed transitions, game controls, obstacles, etc.

With this new goal in mind, my plan is to create a physical representation of the timeline with deadlines written out and a plan for how I will achieve such a deadline. The entirety of this month will be composed of experimenting and researching how I will create the elements to the game I want and what specifically I want the storyline to be. So, by next blog my plan is to have the timeline fully created and have accomplished at least one of the goals on the timeline already. Afterwards, the path to completing my Original Work will be a lot smoother and more fun to work through.

Suddenly the original question of “What happens now?” changed to “Where do I start?”

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